Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) presented the Brief Family Visitation Act by 13 May 2021, which would create a new B-3 nonimmigrant category enabling U.S. citizens and permanent residents to apply for temporary visits from their family members. In addition to Rep. Peters, who represents California’s 52nd Congressional District, Reps. Salazar, Bice, and Himes introduced the bill in the House of Representatives (D-CT-04).
Family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents can currently only apply for B2 visas to visit their relatives in the United States. As it stands, there is no easy way for families who are separated by distance to temporarily reconnect for special occasions such as a wedding or birthday to travel together. To allow family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who live in countries not covered by the Visa Waiver Program to visit the United States for up to 90 days, the Temporary Family Visitation Act would be passed.
In accordance with the Temporary Family Visitation Act, you need to follow these points:
In addition to discouraging visa overstays by preventing the petitioner from using the Temporary Family Visitation Act if they have previously sponsored a relative who has exceeded the 90-days period of authorized admission, this requirement will provide financial security to the United States government as well.
To know in detail about the B3 visa and it’s description, please click the below link.
US visa interview Questions and Answers
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